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Day Use Spa in Melbourne

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Thanks to the DayBreakHotels' day use formula, luxury hotels in Melbourne become daily hotels with well-equipped spas near your house, office or near the stations, such as the Flinders Street station.

With DayBreakHotels, even the shortest space of time becomes an opportunity to take care of yourself and enjoy a few moments of relaxation. During your business trips, your days in the city, or while you are waiting for trains and planes, enjoy a personalized experience in one of the most beautiful Melbourne hotels!

Hot tubs, saunas, massages, and spa treatments are waiting for you, with the possibility to book a room with spa access or to book an independent day spa entrance.

For your special occasions, such as a bachelorette, Valentine's Day, an anniversary or a birthday, some hotels offer a formula with room + an exclusive day spa access. This means that for up to 2 hours the hotel spa is at your complete and unique disposal!

Choose the hotel with the spa that you like the most and enjoy your day break… cancellation is free!