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Take a nap

Have you ever thought about napping in a Dayuse room? Well they are are perfect for a midday nap. Take a break from the busy city whenever you need to with a dayuse hotel room. With DayBreakHotels, you can have the perfect afternoon and have a nap in a dayuse room. With up to 70% off nightly rates, what's stopping you?

Do you feel a nap calling to you, but it's too early for check-in at your hotel for the night? DayBreakHotels has found the secret. Just book a dayuse room and take a nap. With our selection of quality hotels, it wont be hard to find a day use hotel to take a nap in and regain your energy.The perfect pitstop when your sightseeing around the city. It is the absolute best way to rest and recharge when you are visit a city or you work far away from your home. Sometimes you just need a nap and we completly get it!

Choose from our large selection of luxurious 3 to 5 star hotels with the absolute best amenities available. Whether you just want a nap or a midday spa break with a massage, anything is possible. Whatever you can imagine we can try to make it happen. Take a deep breath and relax before taking a nap in that comfortable hotel bed. In our opinion, the best way to use a dayuse hotel is for a nap!


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The York by Swiss-Belhotel

The York by Swiss-Belhotel

5 York St, NSW 2000 Sydney
Rooms from AUD399
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