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Day Rooms

Snap out of the usual routine and change things around by booking a day use room for a day, and enjoy the getaway with a friend or a partner. Wondering how to book a day use hotel? With DayBreakHotels you can choose a city and book your favorite hotel in just a few clicks. You can book a day room alone or choose a hotel with extra amenities such as swimming pool or spa access.

Relax in a day use room and enjoy a day off with others or book a dayuse room alone to work from a focused and calm environment. Your home environment can be very destructing or not appropriate for a big interview you have coming up or working on an urgent professional project.

Day use hotel can be transforming for your professional life and your free time; you can choose what you need a book a day use roomalone or with many extra amenities like a romantic dinner at the fancy hotel restaurant or a few hours at the beautiful pool and spa.

Book a day room and enjoy a couple hours of relaxation. We have partner hotels in anywhere from day rooms in Southport to dayrooms in Sydney. Here at DayBreak Hotels we pride oursleves on our high standards and high quality. A day room booked with us will feel like a well deserved weekend vacation. Customize your booking to your liking and experience what true luxury is like at half the cost, so what are you waiting for? Book a Day room now!

Day Rooms

DayBreakHotels customers like the following hotels...
The York by Swiss-Belhotel

The York by Swiss-Belhotel

5 York St, NSW 2000 Sydney
Rooms from AUD399
Other DayBreak servicesPoolRestaurantExtra servicesLuggage storage