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Rydges Sydney Airport

Rydges Sydney Airport

Sydney Airport, 8 Arrival Ct, NSW 2020 Mascot
Distance: 1km
Rooms from AUD169
Other DayBreak servicesRestaurant

Most of the travellers to the International Sydney Airport are travelling to and from New Zealand, Singapore, Hong Kong and Dubai. Sydney Airport is the primary airport serving Sydney, and is a primary hub for Qantas, as well as a secondary hub for Virgin Australia and Jetstar Airways.

Instead of waiting at the airport during a long layover to your destination, indulge in a staycation near the Sydney airport, and enjoy all of the services and amenities that a day use hotel can offer such as: day spa access, pool access, restaurants, meeting rooms, free wi-fi and much more!

The airport hotels offered on DayBreakHotels are located near the Sydney airport, and free bus shuttles can make your stay even more comfortable. Forget about sleeping at the airport on an uncomfortable chair, eating food from the fast food places in the airport, and enjoy your layover by taking a mini-break, or a staycation near the Sydney airport.