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Love Hotels

Want to surprise your loved one? Book a day use room and much more with DayBreakHotels and plan a romantic getaway in a love hotel. Most of us don’t have enough time for a few days trip with our partner. Love hotels are a perfect solution!

You can easily relax in the comfort of the beautiful love hotel room. Enjoy the intimacy and luxurious standards to later take a dip in the hotel pool! You can enjoy the dinner at the fancy restaurant or use any of the extra services such as spa, jacuzzi or massage.

DayBreak Hotels allows you to customize your perfect stay. Ask for champagne to be deilvered to your room and have a romantic day/evening with your significant other. Relax in the spa together, have a nice dinner/lunch in the hotel restaurant and enjoy all the luxury our hotels have to offer. This experience is the perfect gift for a couple strained for time and money. Find a luxury hotel near you and save up to 75% the nightly prices for a love hotel room.

DayBreakHotels offers a selection of exceptional love hotel rooms in your city, which allows you to take some time off for your relationship without travelling too far, or having to spend too much. Leave all your daily worries behind and enjoy some quality time in private with your partner! You can find love hotels in Southport or love hotels in Sydney and in other cities. Choose DayBreakHotels and book a romantic dayuse room for two! Don't wait! Book a romantic getaway today!

Love Hotels

DayBreakHotels customers like the following hotels...
Stamford Plaza Sydney Airport

Stamford Plaza Sydney Airport

Cnr O'Riordan St &, Robey St, Mascot, NSW 2020 Sydney
Rooms from AUD110
AUD172per night
Other DayBreak servicesPoolRestaurantExtra services
View Melbourne

View Melbourne

562 St Kilda Rd, 3004 Melbourne
Rooms from AUD130
AUD219per night
The York by Swiss-Belhotel

The York by Swiss-Belhotel

5 York St, NSW 2000 Sydney
Rooms from AUD329
AUD350per night
Other DayBreak servicesPoolRestaurantExtra servicesLuggage storage
Love Hotels all around Australia