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Day Use Rooms and Restaurants in Sydney

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Stamford Plaza Sydney Airport

Stamford Plaza Sydney Airport

Cnr O'Riordan St &, Robey St, Mascot, NSW 2020 Sydney
Restaurant offers from AUD59
Other DayBreak servicesRoomPoolExtra services
Aerotel Sydney

Aerotel Sydney

Sydney International Airport, NSW 2020 Mascot
Distance: 6km
Restaurant offers from AUD49
Other DayBreak servicesRoomExtra services

Do not just enjoy a day break when you could have all the comforts of a day use room in Sydney and access to the hotel’s restaurant.

Never leave the comfort of your day room and indulge a la carte from some of the best restaurants in Sydney. With DayBreakHotels, more than the day room is at your service. Choose between all the amenities the hotel has to offer.