Short-stay hotels in New Jersey are the perfect way to spend your time in the city. For business travellers, our rooms for short stay have the day use hotel room so you can work productively. To have a relaxing day during your short stay, book the awesome day use room and spa to de-stress. Hotel short stays are a convenient way to spend your time either relaxing or in the comfort of the room. Our New Jersey locations offer you the best 3 to 5-star hotel services so all your needs are covered. The rooms are flexible to accommodate all your needs so you can enjoy your stay without worries.
Short stay room for rent offers flexibility for our guests!
With flexible check-in and check-out times, our short-stay hotels are the best way to rest or work productively in those hours in between you have available. When you are booking short-stay hotels near you navigate the map tool in our city pages and select from the wide range of hotels we offer. Filter your search to select the perfect hotel that has rooms for your preferred short-stay needs. Don't miss out on all the services and amenities our hotels offer you. No credit card is needed for booking and no cancellation fee. Book smart and stress-free with DayBreakHotels. Don't miss out on the amazing opportunity that our rooms for short stays offer its guests.
A room for a short stay near you!
Don't worry about spending your precious time at the airport during a layover or at a cafè in between meetings. With our short-stay room for rent, you get the best of everything to complete all the tasks you need! Get the VIP treatment with all the amenities that we offer. With our booking system, you can create the perfect stay by adding all the amenities you need to make your stay a memorable one. Finding short-stay rooms near you has never been easier and enjoy up to 75% discount in your daily rate. When you book through our app get extra discounts! Don't miss out on all the things a short-stay hotel offers its guests! Located throughout New Jersey your next big break is around the corner ready to welcome you!