181 Tooley Street, SE1 2JR LondonShow on map
The LaLiT London is located close to a number of London tourist attractions such as the Tower Bridge.
It operates one restaurant, namely, Baluchi The Great Hall. The LaLiT London also operates a bread bar called The Naanery and a tea lounge called The Gallery, as well as
The Hotel’s individually crafted guestrooms and suites offer one of the most unique accommodations in the city - aesthetically rich in luxury yet infused with the inimitable LaLiT style and sensibility. All guestrooms differ in design and layout, some of which boast of 30-feet high ceilings. Each room presents itself with outstanding volumes of comfort and relaxation, ensuring the most unforgettable hospitality experience in London.
Rejuve, the signature spa, offers a holistic experience combining Eastern & Western therapies using herbal infusions. The Ayurvedic techniques take the mind, body and spirit on a journey of pure relaxation, as they incorporate a synergized essence of wellness.