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Day Use Near Competitive Pools

Swimming is a very popular sport, and young competitors usually spend many hours travelling to and from swim meets with their parents in tow. Swimmers require mental and physical rest before a swim meet, and so do spectators.

To relax between long and tiring events, book a day room in one of our 3 to 5 star luxury hotels in the hours before the event. DayBreakHotels is the winning choice that allows you to book hotels at low prices, up to 70% discount off traditional hotel rates.

Day use rooms are available for two, three, or four people, and may also include lunch and other services offered by the hotel. Mix and match the services you need to prepare for whichever event through our easy-to-use search engine.

Type the city or competitive pool where the event will take place in the box below or click on one of the cities below.