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Hotel rooms and services for the dayAmazing hotels with discounts of up to -75%

The best dayuse hotels near you

Day Use

All our dayrooms on offer
Day Use Room

Day Use Room

Discover day-use rooms for daytime, evening, or nighttime stays at the best DayBreak hotels across Italy with discounts of up to 75%!
Day Use Apartments

Day Use Apartments

Discover day-use apartments for short stays at highly discounted prices!

Hourly Hotels

Choose the best hourly hotels near you starting from €6 per hour.
Hourly hotels on offer

Hourly hotels on offer

Discover the best deals to enjoy the luxury of a high-end hotel for just a few hours during the day.
Hourly rooms

Hourly rooms

Luxury hourly rooms at unbeatable prices! Pay at the location only for the time you need.
Hourly Motels

Hourly Motels

Say goodbye to dingy motels! Choose from the best hourly motels in your city.

Hotels with spa, pool, Jacuzzi, and other amenities

Enjoy the best hotel services with discounts up to 75% for a relaxing break during the day.
Rooms with spa

Rooms with spa

Rooms with access to luxury spas at unbeatable prices.
Hotels with jacuzzi

Hotels with jacuzzi

Looking for some relaxation? What could be better than a room with a Jacuzzi!
Day Spa

Day Spa

Do you want to enjoy spa access at the best hotels in Italy at a discounted price? Take a look!
Day Rooms with Swimming Pool

Day Rooms with Swimming Pool

Dive into wellness with hundreds of hotel pools at your disposal!

Hotel for business

Our hotels offer excellent solutions for those with work needs, such as rooms for smart working, meeting rooms, and luggage storage!
Remote Working Rooms

Remote Working Rooms

Enjoy maximum focus and relaxation in a hotel room during the day.
Meeting Rooms

Meeting Rooms

Centinaia di sale riunioni di hotel ti aspettano in tutta italia. Massima flessiblità in un click!
Luggage Storage

Luggage Storage

Non lasciare che le tue valigie intralcino la tua giornata. Lasciale custodite nei depositi bagagli dei nostri hotel!
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